Last week I saw in my Facebook newsfeed that two of my friends were “interested in going to an event near me.”
Ooh. I wonder what it is. Click.
The event post read: “Shibuya 20s Social Meetup at Cafe and Restaurant! Let’s make new friends in the same generation♪”
Click. Close page. (LOL)
Guess I won’t be hanging out with THOSE friends.
Poop. Must be gettin’ old.
♪If I could turn back time. If I could find a way♪ Their loss, missing the 80s. Cher? Cher who?
Back in my late 20s, I used to think that the aging process was inevitable. I hadn’t changed much from my early 20s…except for my metabolism. By the time I was 30, my students were poking at me like I was the Pillsbury Doughboy. “Hoo hoo!” In your 30s and 40s it gets harder and harder to maintain your weight, so I told myself. Sigh.
I exercised a little, like jogging one lap around Yoyogi Park, ate what I thought was healthy like whole wheat pasta, egg white and low-fat cheese bagel sandwiches. But my tummy was like, “Hey buddy, you’re 30 now. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” Pretty much everyone else around me was the same.
Fast-forward a few years.
It’s been more than a year since I read Tim Ferriss’s book, The Four Hour Body, and lost 10 kg and got a six pack. I was back to being my high school swim team weight: under 138 lbs (~62.5 kg).
Cann-nonnbal-l-l. At age 36 I was back in the pool.
Tim Ferriss always says, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Assuming what he says is true, that makes me
approaching awesome♪
Used to be completely clueless, then I started to hang out with guys like Dr. August Hergesheimer.
Thanks to him, I’ve upped my awesomeness ⅕.
I got the introduction from Jack, the Peanut Butter Guy. Once again, it all goes back to Jack.
Life lesson: Shake hands with the peanut butter guy- naturally, all future relationships will stick.
So I’m standing in front of lobby cafe Momiji at the Grand Prince Takanawa in Shinagawa. It’s 10:01. I think I’ve spotted him. Yup, here he comes.
“Dr. Her-ge-sheimer. Am I saying your name right?” I practiced saying his name at home.
“Hi-i-i, are you Matt? With a firm but friendly handshake, “Please, call me August.”
He’s wearing an Abercrombie sweatshirt, sporty sweatpants, Nikes. “Hey, I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I hate being late. (10 AM appointment). And I apologize for my casual attire. I just got done working out and ran here directly from the gym.”
Stop. Press pause.
By now I assume your mind has created a mental image of what Dr. Hergesheimer looks like.
And how you pictured him is probably spot on considering what you know about him so far.
Now I’m going to mess with you.
First, let me remind you that he’s a doctor, Ph.D. doctor, with over 10 years of academic training, 27 years studying nutrition, author of 11 books in Japanese but he grew up in the US. He’s the CEO of Abios, a whole foods supplements company based in Japan, he lives in New Zealand, father of five kids who’ve all grown up.
Have you adjusted your visual representation? Your brain will need this bit of info: his mother is Japanese.
Now I’m really going to mess with you
and tell you he’s 55.
Imagine other dads you know at age 55…
And now let me introduce you to Dr. Hergesheimer. Let’s see how your imagination did.
Scroll down…
Scroll, scroll, scroll…
Keep scrolling. Almost there.

Oops, did I forget to mention that he’s 55 but looks more like 35? Seriously.
Even through the “& Fitch” on his sweatshirt, you could tell that he has 6-8 pack abs. He’s in way better shape than I am. I can tell you that he has more energy than me,
and I wanted to find out what this guy knows that I don’t.
Man, he’s so lucky to have good genes.
Raise your hand if this is what first came to your mind.
But now have a look at a picture of his dad. Compare the photo on the left: age 19, and the one on the right: age 54.
Which one looks more like Dr. Hergesheimer?
When August was 19, his dad showed him a picture of himself when he was his age. Realizing that he had the same genes, it freaked him out that he was going to end up looking just like his dad in his 50s, no offense to his father. This traumatic experience lead to Dr. Hergesheimer’s interest in “anti-aging”, which back then no one even talked about. Now he’s one of Japan’s leading experts in anti-aging and nutrition.
Want to know his secret? Interested in losing weight, looking and feeling younger, having more energy than when you were in your 20s or 30s? Here’s what Dr. Hergesheimer taught me:
The Interview:
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.― Hippocrates
I’ve organized his responses by the following topics to make it easy to find what interests you the most. You don’t necessarily have to read it in order. Start by clicking any of the topics below.
If you’re about to go driving or jog on the treadmill, you can click here for the full audio:
What do you typically eat for breakfast?
Three eggs and a big ass salad.
If it’s on a dinner plate, half the dinner plate is salad and then three eggs. If they’re poached, I just spread the salad out and put the eggs on top, sprinkle a little sea salt on my salad, douse it with olive oil, one or two cups of strong coffee. That’s it.
You have poached eggs or boiled eggs….
I had scrambled this morning. Which is unusual, but I will have them every possible way.
If I fry some eggs in like olive oil, avocado oil at low heat, is that not as good as boiled or poached eggs?
Marginally. Still good. Fried eggs are one of the ways I commonly eat my eggs. I would use butter* rather than plant oils just because the butter is going to give you other fat nutrients that are very beneficial.
Recently Japan had this big coconut oil boom. And coconut oil is popular on most nutritionists’ lists in the Western world.
Some people warn against it still. USA Today did a horrible article recently on coconut oil is a myth, the health benefits are a myth, based on flawed science.
Coconut oil, when it became popular, we were introduced this term called MCTs. The reason that MCTs were supposedly good for you is because they’re shorter chains- our bodies can use that fat as energy quite quickly. Which means, theoretically, it won’t remain as fat in the body. Well, the truth is that dietary fat almost never remains as body fat. It just can’t. There’s no mechanism to do it. It’s only sugar that’s converted into triglycerides and then into the body.
There’s what’s called SCTs too: short chain triglycerides. Even shorter than MCTs, SCTs- they exist in butter. They only exist in animal fats. They don’t exist in plant fats at all. Plant fats are the longest. All the unsaturated fats are very long. They’re not the ideal source for energy. Their molecule is twisted. Every part that’s twisted has sort of like a gaping wound and that opening in the molecule is easily oxidized, and also it’s easily broken with heat transfer. Whereas saturated fat is straight, a straight chain, so there’s nowhere for that oxidation to occur until you break it. That’s why animal fats are much more stable.
I would put a dab of butter in the skillet, melt it down at low heat. I don’t want that butter browning. Crack my three eggs into the skillet. Just as the egg white starts to firm, I put a lid on the skillet, turn the heat off, and let it sit there for a few minutes. I make my coffee. By the time I’m done doing that, I take the lid off. The white has completely solidified. It’s not so firm, not tusk, fuwa fuwa shiteru ne (light and fluffy), and the yolks are still runny.
I don’t care for the way sometimes Japanese restaurants cook fried eggs- the yolk still has that white gooey stuff running all over it. I just find it unappetizing. It’s not unhealthy.
(*He recommends using only grass-fed butter.)
How do you use the coconut oil or MCT oil?
I don’t use it very well in my cooking because I don’t like that coconut oil flavor in everything.
Obviously, if I’m going to make something that’s more ethnic, I’d dice up some chicken, sauté it with a bit of olive oil, throw in some cumin, cayenne pepper, and maybe some Middle Eastern spices. To do something like that, the coconut oil works.
I don’t care for it with my eggs.
How do you manage to get enough protein each day?
Once a day I try to have a smoothie. Only because I eat more than three meals a day. I need to, to sustain my energy level. I have a tendency to lose weight, or lose mass, very easily. I think maybe my natural body frame is literally skin and bones. I don’t find that attractive or healthy.
Especially since I’m working out, I don’t want to lose the little bit of muscle I’m trying to gain with my intense workouts. Especially as you age, your body sheds muscle quickly. It’s part of the aging process. When you start losing muscle, not only do you lose a strong metabolism, so you’re not metabolizing your food as well, you tend to accumulate fat more quickly. Your brain is told that it no longer needs to create growth hormone.
Because as you were growing, up until about age 18 or 20, you were always adding muscle mass regardless, just because your body was getting bigger. When you’re putting all that muscle mass on, your brain has to tell your pituitary gland to keep pumping that growth hormone because the body is growing. Once we stop growing, your body’s like, “Okay, we don’t need that growth hormone.”
The growth hormone is extremely important, as is almost every other hormone. It’s called the mother hormone. It dictates how all the other hormones work. Plus, it’s the critical hormone for human recovery.
So no wonder we feel so tired now, because you don’t have so much growth hormone. So to keep my growth hormone up, I need to add muscle. So I have to eat four times a day.
How much protein do you eat in a day?
I think you take your body weight in kilograms, multiply by 1.5, and whatever number you get, you convert that to grams. That’s the amount of grams that are ideal as your daily protein intake. Because the human body can only absorb 20 – 25 grams of protein per meal, you would have to take that final number and divide it by, let’s say, 25. That would tell you how many times a day you’ve got to break down the protein.
So in that sense, protein, a healthy protein shake, protein powders, are very useful. And whey is a great protein. Unfortunately, it’s dairy. Dairy is a hugely contaminated food product. So if you’re going to use whey protein, you want to find a good grass-fed, organic whey… from Wisconsin. In fact, it’s the best one on the market. It’s called Defense Nutrition. You can find it on I wanted to package it under my company brand, but it’s so popular, especially in North America and Australia, that the demand has outstretched supply. So I can’t even get any. That’s how popular it is, and relatively inexpensive.
But my digestive system doesn’t do very well with a lot of whey so I resort to eggs again. I throw three raw eggs* in a mixer, I take a tablespoon or two of coconut oil, and then I’ll maybe put in two small pieces of pineapple, or put a stick of my Veggie Power + in there, and I blend it up. I got my protein, I got my fat, including my great coconut oil, which is the only source of lauric acid, the most well researched single nutrient that affects human immunity.
As a matter of fact, we all got some, actually an abundant amount of lauric acid at one point in our lives, when we were breastfed by our mothers. Even breast milk has lauric acid and that’s the human evolution of how a mother passes on the strength of immunity from her to her child. Obviously, when you’re an adult you can’t go running around looking for breast milk. Coconuts are the only natural food source high in lauric acid. Actually, it’s higher in lauric acid then breast milk is.
There’s no set international standard of lauric acid you should get. Most Western nutritionists think it’s about two to three tablespoons a day. Any is better than none. So even a teaspoon to go on your coffee, tea in the morning, just break it up throughout the day. That’s how I get my coconut oil.
(*Raw eggs from safe sources in New Zealand, Japan, etc.)
What kind of animal meat do you eat? And how do you chose the right meat?
Anything wild or free-range would be preferable but you can’t always get those. In Japan, if I had to stick to that criteria, the easiest stuff to get would be free range eggs and free range chicken, jidori. And wild fish.
Some restaurants will serve wild game, wild duck, wild venison, wild boar, things like that. Factory feed pork, beef, caged chicken, I try to stay away from it as much as possible.
In Japan, is it GMO? Do they eat corn and soy just like the factory farm animals in the US?
The conditions of ranches and animal farms in Japan are far better than the worst case scenarios of North America. They’re far cleaner, they’re not as congested. So the animals don’t have the susceptibility to disease as much as you find in North America. Because in North America, they’re just crammed into too small quarters. Infectious disease can transfer much quicker, so that’s why they have to be loaded with antibiotics.
But in Japan, the oldest practice, let’s say in dairy, one cow only makes enough milk for one calf. That just isn’t enough yield to be a profitable dairy farmer. You’ve got to treat them with hormones or feed that has hormones in it so that they produce more milk. The worse case scenarios of places that you go to, the cows, even in Japan, have enough hormones in them that they produce enough milk for 40 calfs. You can imagine a pregnant woman producing breast milk for 40 children. She’d be in horrible pain all day. That pain is going to cause stress, stress hormones cause low immunity- they get sick pretty easily.
If we would stop, no matter how cheap it is, if we would try to refrain from purchasing and eating those type of foods, they would stop. Because commerce always follows where the consumer goes. Commerce isn’t always necessarily a dictatorship.
I’ll just eat half a piece of beef and pay more for it. And you don’t need more than 100 to 120 grams of meat or protein per meal. You go to a restaurant, they want to give you 200, 250 grams of steak. “That looks really good- big, juicy steak.” But that’s over-consumption of protein. That excess protein intake causes stress on your kidneys. You’re going to get tired more easily at the very least, if not create kidney damage.
And we know that more than 100-120 grams of protein intake per meal causes oxidation in the blood stream. So you have oxidative hormones in your blood stream. All these studies say that meat caused disease- first, if it were that simple. Where did that meat come from? What, sick farms? Sick meat will make you sick. Duh. Two: how did you cook it? Well, you broiled the crap out of it. You scorched it so it has these HCAs on it. That will make you sick. And you ate way too much of it. That will make you sick.
If you took a good piece of grass-fed meat, stewed it, cooked it over a low flame, ate it rare, or even raw as carpaccio. It’s beautiful. And you only ate like 100 or 120 grams per serving. I don’t think that data would exist.
When cooking meat, what’s most important? Is it the slow cooking? If you’re having chicken, you’re not frying it yakitori-style, getting it charred?
Yakitori is fine as long as it’s not overcooked too much. If you go to a good yakitori place, they’re not cooking on flames. They’re cooking on hot coals. You don’t see the flames shooting up from the charcoal. It’s just smoldering. When I barbecue at home, and New Zealanders, we Kiwis barbecue as much as Americans do. So we eat outdoors almost every meal. It’ll take me only 20 minutes or so to cook my meat on the coals, but it takes me three hours to get the coals ready. Because I want the flames to be dead. You don’t put you hand over and say “Whoa, that’s hot!”
I only cook it on the outside. It’s quite rare on the inside. Chicken or pork, I cook it all the way through. Japan is amazing, you can actually buy chicken that you can eat almost sashimi-style. The risk of chicken is only on the surface, same as beef. So samonella only exists on the surface of meat.
If you took a pot of just boiled water, you rinse your chicken breast through so you only cook the outside, and then you slice it really thin and mix it with sesame oil and a little bit of wasabi, and sesame seeds… Or in Japan, you have a dish called toriwasa, when you go to izakayas (informal restaurants). And it’s still raw on the inside of the chicken. It’s totally safe. I wouldn’t recommend eating it at really cheap, little alley eateries. Or if you could find it at a konbini (convenience store), I wouldn’t touch it.
So the raw chicken, the raw eggs, would you only eat that in Japan if you’re eating out?
Ah, New Zealand, the food source is safe too. Raw eggs you want to be buying from a very good source if you’re going to eat them raw. And there is an advantage to eating eggs raw. I would say soft boiled would be ideal way to have eggs. That way you’ve sort of conquered the possibility of any contamination and you’re still getting all the nutrition in that egg.
What’s the story of you starting Abios?
We all have heard and hopefully most of us believe that everything you eat or everything put in your mouth ends up creating the condition of our bodies.
The more dirty foods that are in your body, you’re not going to function very well. Compared to a car engine or anything that’s mechanical, if you don’t clean it, the wear and tear is just going to break it down faster and you’re going to have to replace it. The human body is the same way.
The more clean foods we eat, meaning organic, chemical-free, pesticide-free, your body’s going to work better. Now unfortunately, it’s everything that goes in your mouth including the water, and even more so, the air we breathe. And the air we breathe, as long as we live in the cities, including Tokyo, which seems pretty damn clean compared to a lot of other big cities, is filthy.
The US published a study a few years ago, 2,800 or so subjects, massive blood tests, to determine what type of toxins, known toxins, can be identified in the human blood stream. And there are a bunch of them. And they said, ok, well, where did the most prevelent toxins come from? And it was air. The air we breathe.
It’s not the lipstick woman are using, or the crappy plastic bottles we buy our water in, the pesticides in the food, those were also, part of this whole assay. But the most prevelent was from air pollution.
That means that we need, my theory is, we need to take in something extra clean every day. And it’s hard to get that from our food still. Yes, if you have a Whole Foods, if you have an organic producer, free range chicken, if you have that utopian food supply nearby, great. But very few places on the planet have that.
So I created a very clean green food product. Because vegetables keep our bodies clean. And it doesn’t have to my product. I think there’s a lot of good products out there. I always suggest to anybody, I don’t care how old you are, if you’re two years old or a hundred years old. At least once a day, preferably on an empty stomach, get one of those green powders. Make sure it’s what I call “hyper organic”, meaning that it’s better than organic certification, it has zero pesticide trace in it, and mix it with clean room temperature water, and have a drink.
It sounds so simple and maybe almost too much like an advertisement. But it literally has worked for me. I did that for three years with my product before I launched it to start my current business. I made the product first for me, then I got my family using it, then I started giving it to friends. And it was so effective, and I thought, “Oh shoot, I may have a business in this.” Then I started Abios.
Believe me, until a few years ago, I had wished I had never thought that. Because life was so much easier when I was just doing it for myself. But selling something was totally different than just creating a product you can truly believe in.
Because most companies go off and create something they know is marketable. So cost, price, all that kind of stuff- I didn’t even think about those kind of things when I was creating my Vege Power +. So when people ask me, what’s so good about it? I had to literally explain for every single ingredient and that takes two hours. And nobody can really duplicate that, so I become like the only sales person.
But again, it doesn’t have to be Vege Power +. I highly recommend that anybody, no matter what kind of condition you’re in, I don’t care how sick you are or how healthy you are, you really should get a good green powder. I’m a firm believer in this.

If you’re having organic vegetables three times a day, do people still needs supplements?
Supplements have to properly categorized at least into two types: one is synthetic, which are the supplements we normally associate that word with and then you have what’s called whole food supplements. These are basically foods that have been dried. Obviously, drying itself can cause damage to the certain nutrients so you want to look for something that’s dried at low temperature.
For instance, Vege Power + still has active enzymes because we dry it at under body temperature. That’s a very long, time consuming process. When you dry at 120 degrees, you can dry something very quickly but you cause damage. So if you dry at low temperatures, it takes days. And it needs to be in a sterile chamber, obviously, because you have a possiblity of contamination. So you shut down an entire factory for three days just to dry your vegetables. You can imagine how expensive that is, but that’s what it takes to get it perfect.
The answer is yes, because organic certified doesn’t necessarily mean 100%. It will never do you harm to get too many green foods in your body. I’m not a vegetarian. I’m a huge believer of animal protein and animal fats.
My kids have all grown up being told “What’s the most important color on your plate?” They’ll say, “Green.” When you look at your plate of food, if you’re eating a meal on one dinner plate, is it more green or more non-green? And it’s usually more non-green than green. They’ll say, “But I have a salad with every meal.” That’s great, but not enough. You’re not eating enough green. Is it deep-deep green or sort of that pale green? Is it that deep-deep green, that chlorophyll that you really want?
Going back to the growth hormone, I read on your website that that’s the key to having energy?
Well, the key to getting energy is that your mitochondria are working. Every single cell, other than blood cells, have an organella, a part of that cell, called the mitochondria. Some cells, for instance, human muscle cells, could have as many as 2000 mitochondria in a single cell. That’s pretty amazing. Now mitochondria, we’ve learned this in Biology at school- I know most of us probably slept through it. This is the energy factory of the human cell and of the human body. Energy can’t come in a can or a bottle. If anybody ever was able to create that, they will win the Nobel Prize. The mitochondria create energy.
A baby, a toddler, is an energy freak. You can’t shut this kid up, slow him down, keep him or her still. And then all of a sudden, they just collapse and take a nap. In that body, with far fewer cells than an adult body, the mitochondria are on fire. Then we get to a certain age, where the mitochondria are malfunctioning. They’re rusty factories, they’re unattended factories. If you’re able to fix that mitochondria, or create new cells that have healthier, stronger, well-performing mitochondria, you will get your energy again.
First, you have to ask the mitochondria, “Hey, what do you need?”
We have all this advice on a daily basis from so many different sources on what foods are best for us, or what nutrients are best for us. Who should you listen to? Yourselves. Just ask yourselves, “Hey, what do you guys need?” And they’ll actually tell you. It’s pretty simple.
Because the word ‘essential’ has been added to a nutrient name to tell us that all the scientific research over decades, we now know that these certain nutrients can never be produced within the human body. You must get it from your diet. Everything else, theoretically, the human body can manufacturer from other things, but you have to get the essential. So let’s focus on that first.
And what are essential? Amino acids. Those amino acids exist most perfectly in animal foods. You can get them from plant foods, but you have to combine foods. If you insist on being a vegan or vegetarian, you know, have fun. It’s a real pain in the ass, but you can do it. Not only is it a boring diet, it’s a real pain in the ass to get the essential amino acids.
But, if you get a couple of free range eggs, a good piece of grass-fed beef, free range chicken, lamb, an amazing source of essential amino acids. A hundred grams. Done. For one meal.
Essential fatty acids. You need those oils. You gotta eat those nuts.
Essential carbs? Never heard of it.
Essential sugar? Never heard of it.
Is there a scientist out there looking for them? No. Why? Because we know there aren’t any. The body can create it. Do you need that bread, do you need the rice? If you’re an athlete, if you’re a farmer working out out on the farm all day long. If you’re physically active all day long, your body probably needs some sugar to keep those muscles active. But otherwise, you don’t need them.
Vitamins. We know that at least 14 minerals are essential. Where do those minerals exist? Plant foods. Coenzyme Q10. Where do you get that from? It’s a popular supplement, but you have to get 200 mg to be effective. It exists in animal foods: beef, liver. Organ meats are tremendous sources of vitamins and coenzyme Q10. Lutein, carortenes. Carotene. You’ll go blind without lutein. It’s essential. Where does it exist? Most abundantly in egg yolks. And those are things we were told we shouldn’t be eating.
Our bodies create three billion new cells a day. If If I’m not feeling well now, and that’s how I felt when I was in my thirties. I was always tired. I never had enough energy. I drank 8 cups of coffee a day to get me through the day. Which means I didn’t sleep practically so I was always woke up tired. Many of my cells, the 3 billion new cells I was making single every day, were crappy. Because I wasn’t feeding the cells right.
But then, in my 40s I started changing my diet. And from that point, somewhere in my early 40s, every day I was making better three billion cells. And eventually these better cells replaced the dead, the bad dying cells, because they die and gets flushed out of your body. And now, that I’m 55, I have way more healthy, energetic cells then I did when I was 30. So I have far more energy today then when I was 35. Which seems so unrealistic.
But even the person who’s already feeling terrible now, at 60, 65, 70, you can feel and look so much better because you’re still making those three billion cells single every day. It doesn’t change until the day you drop dead.
How about anti-aging? You look so young for your age. What’s the secret to looking and feeling young?
Focus on those three billion cells*. It’s as easy as that. We renew ourselves every single day. Some cells have shorter lifespans than others. But at some point, everything other than the brain stem, is replaced since birth. So it’s never too late. You can recreate yourself.
And there’s all this advice out there. There’s probably more decent advice than absolutely horrible advice in nutrition, which is a good thing. No matter what you’re following, there’s probably some good in it. Cut to the chase, and simplify, and zone in on what’s most important- what do I start with? It’s those essential nutrients.
So the way I eat, one plate, I’ve got some protein on it. I’ve got a massive green food, clean vegetables, with a lot of olive oil, sesame oil, or avocado oil. That plate is giving me, gives my cells, exactly what they need.
Now let’s say I want to have a little extra with that meal. I’ve got a bit more space. Let’s add a little pasta, maybe a piece of bread- there’s nothing wrong with that. Most of us, we go to a restaurant- they give us bread first. Is there anything essential in that? No. Now why would I want to start with that first? Japanese have a big bowl of rice and maybe just a little okazu (side dishes). Is there anything essential in that bowl of rice? Why would I want to fill myself with the non-essential and sacrifice the space in my stomach, the time I have to eat, and the money I have to spend on food on non-essentials?
(*refer back to topic #8: Getting More Energy)
Final thoughts…
I think that the truth behind how to eat is so difficult for so many of us because we take food and eating for granted.
There was probably a time in history, not too long ago, where it was fine because we only ate local foods- they weren’t contaminated. We didn’t live in such a highly polluted environment where we didn’t have more cleansing plants. We only ate foods in season. The food that we ate, we bought it at the market. The time of transport was so short that food was being harvested when it was ripe.
Our grandparents probably didn’t even think about what’s going on. It’s probably the last two generations. Our parents’ generation: canned, frozen, convenient, microwave, making things easier and cheaper.
Yah, we just take food for granted. We need to wake up, we need to reexamine why we eat. It’s great to sit down at a meal and eat those foods that give me that sensation of joy. “Oishii! That’s great!”
I love having meals with friends and family and spend hours over a long, big meal, and drink a lot of wine. I love the socialization that comes through eating. These are very important parts of . A family sits at a table, share a meal, and that’s when you ask, “How was your day? How was school today, kids?”
Food has so much value in society, but most importantly it should nourish us. It’s supposed to nourish us. So what does that really mean? What are we trying to nourish? It’s the cells. It’s those three billion cells that I’m going to make today. I want those cells to be kick-ass. No way I’m going to make them anything less than perfect.
Dr. Hergesheimer gives workshops in Tokyo in English and in Japanese:
He also does in-person consultations in Japan. You can connect with him on Facebook.
You can learn more about his company and products at (Japanese)
What was your biggest learning from the interview? Please share in the comments below. Thank you for reading! !
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this interview do not necessarily reflect those of the author. The material contained in this website is intended to provide general information and should not be relied upon as professional advice. assumes no liability for any inaccurate, delayed, or incomplete information nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.
Rita Eisenhauer
Thanks for interviewing him and passing the info on to us. Not a short read but not a simple topic. Interesting to know it's not too late to start re-energizing your body. You/he also saved me the time of looking up how much protein to eat in a meal and in a day. Only thing I know have to figure out is how to convert body weight to kilograms!
Love it! Awesome job with pulling out all the info from the audio recording.
Love the intro and your reaction to / description of August’s looks! Haha! I bet most people go through it the same way - that was the case for me too when I first met him (at food-related workshop).
Long read but definitely worth the time! Great job and thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much, Joanna! ! It's means so much to me that you took the time to read August's interview and your thoughtful comments. I'm especially happy that you liked the intro, which was long to begin with. Even if no one else reads this post, it's already been worth every minute. Listening to the recording again and again really helped me learn the content! ;-P August has been such a role model for me. Life changing.